博士会员 王博简介

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王博译(即将出版)《有生之年非读不可的 1001 本书》(1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die),北京:中信出版社
王博译(2016即将出版)《不发行的伟大唱片》(Greatest Albums You’ll Never Hear) ,北京:中信出版社
王博译(2014). 《电影妖姬》(Cinema Sex Sirens). 北京:金城出版社
王博译(2014).《有生之年非听不可的 1001 首歌曲》(1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die). 北京:中央编译出版社
王博、于艾卉译(2014).《小虫真的能在人的眼睫毛里生存吗?》(Do People Have Tiny Insects Living in Their Eyelashes?).大连:大连理工大学出版社
王博、于艾卉译(2014).《百慕大三角州真的是个危险的地方吗?》(Is the Bermuda Triangle Really a Dangerous Place?). 大连:大连理工大学出版社
王博、于艾卉译(2014).《吞下的口香糖真的需要七年才能消化吗?》(Does it Really Take Seven Years to Digest Swallowed Gum?). 大连:大连理工大学出版社
王博、于艾卉译(2014).《每天吃一个苹果真的能不得病吗?》(Does an Apple a Day Keep the Doctor Away?).大连:大连理工大学出版社
王博、于艾卉译(2014).《其他星球上真的有生命吗?》(Is There Life on Other Planets?). 大连:大连理工大学出版社
王博、于艾卉译(2014).《老狗真的能学新把戏吗?》(Can an Old Dog Learn New Tricks?). 大连:大连理工大学出版社
王博、于艾卉译(2014).《闪电真的能两次击中同一个地方吗?》(Can Lightning Strike the Same Place Twice?). 大连:大连理工大学出版社
王博译(2013).《色彩圣经:20 世纪色彩潮流》 (Pantone: The 20th Century in Color). 北京:中央编译出版社
王博、马鑫译(2013).《有生之年非吃不可的 1001 种食物》 (1001 Foods You Must Taste Before You Die). 北京:中央编译出版社
廉运杰、王博译(2009) 《混血精灵:海盗王》(Sebastian Darke: Prince of Pirates). 沈阳:辽宁少年儿童出版社
王博.(即将出版). Textual and logical choices in the translations of dramatic monologue in Teahouse. In A. S. Baklouti & L. Fontaine (Eds.), Perspectives from Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Equinox.
王博、马园艺. (2016). Choice of the translator: Translation strategies for the Cantonese version of Teahouse. 中国外语研究(年刊). 青岛:中国海洋大学出版社
马园艺、王博. (2016). A corpus-based study of connectors in student writing: A comparison between a native speaker (NS) corpus and a non-native speaker (NNS) learner corpus. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature,5(1), 113-118.
马园艺、王博. (2015). A review of systemic functional translation studies from an interpersonal perspective. Proceedings of the fourth Northeast Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation (pp. 22-28). Marietta: American Scholars Press.
马园艺、王博. (2015). Acculturation attitudes and sociocultural adaptation of Chinese mainland sojourners in Hong Kong. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 6(6), 69-73.
王. (2015). Choice in translation from a metafunctional perspective. In C. Chu and M. Xu (Eds.). Current issues in translation studies (pp. 419-434). 成都:四川人民出版社
王博、马园艺. (2015). What is going on in the minds of translators? A review of studies on translation process. Sino-US English Teaching, 12(4), 289-293.
王博. (2015). Intertextuality and directionality in the communication discourse of a translation activity.International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature,4(3), 31-38.
王博. (2014). Theme in translation: A systemic functional linguistic perspective.International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies,2(4), 54-63.
于艾卉、王博. (2013). China English and its implication on ELT in China. In M. Qin (Ed.). Proceedings of DUT Academic Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Humanistic Spirit Cultivation (pp. 293-303). 大连:大连理工大学出版社.
王博. (2010). 从认知语言学视角看苏轼词中的借代.艺术广角,1, 44-47.
王博. (2009). 威廉·布莱克诗歌《伦敦》的文体分析. 艺术广角, 2, 56-59.
王博. (2009). 合作原则与相声幽默. 艺术广角, 1, 76-81.
王博. (2008). 浅析英汉回文的差异. 艺术广角, 2, 103-105.
王博. (2008). 从文体学角度解读卡明斯诗歌. 艺术广角, 1, 25-28.
王博. (2006). 儒家思想与基督教对中英文的影响比较. 艺术广角, 2, 63-66.
王博、马园艺. (2015年12月). A systemic functional description of Mood and Modality in northeastern Mandarin. Paper presented at the International Conference on Functional Language Typology, Shanghai, China.
马园艺、王博. (2015年7月). An analysis of website news headlines within the framework of the cooperative principle. Paper presented at the 21stInternational Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) cum the 11th Biennial International Conference of the China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC), Hong Kong.
王博、马园艺. (2015年7月). Teahouse and its translations:A systemic functional perspective. Paper presented at the 6th Cross-Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication (CSSTIC), Tainan, Taiwan.
王博、马园艺. (2015年6月). A systemic functional perspective on drama translation. Paper presented at the 5thInternational Conference on English, Discourse and International Communication, Macao.
马园艺、王博. (2015年6月). Functional analysis of the anthem of PRC. Paper presented at the 5thInternational Conference on English, Discourse and International Communication, Macao.
王博、马园艺. (2015年4月). A systemic functional perspective on drama translation: Teahouse and its translations. Paper presented at the Symposium to Launch the Halliday-Hasan International Fund for the Study of Language and Other Systems of Meaning & the 14th Chinese National Functional Linguistics Conference, Beijing, China.
马园艺、王博. (2015年4月). A systemic functional analysis of the anthem of the People’s Republic of China. Paper presented at the Symposium to Launch the Halliday-Hasan International Fund for the Study of Language and Other Systems of Meaning & the 14th Chinese National Functional Linguistics Conference, Beijing, China.
王博. (2014年12月). Thematic development and translation studies. Paper presented at the 3rd Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Forum on Applied Linguistics (GDUFS Forum), Guangzhou, China.
王博. (2014年8月). The influence of Confucianism and Christianity on Chinese and English. Paper presented at the 20th Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS 2014), Rhode Island, USA.
王博. (2014年3月). Intertextuality and directionality in a translation activity. Paper presented at the Second Asia Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference 2014 (APCLC 2014), Hong Kong.
王博、于艾卉. (2013年1月). China English and its implications on ELT in China. Paper presented at the Symposium on English Language Teaching and Cultivation of Humanistic Spirit, Dalian, China.
中央编译局译(2015). 《难得本色任天然》. 香港:商务印书馆.
Seeking Changes: The Political Development in Contemporary China, 中央编译出版社2011年出版.
北师大版高中英语教材(1-11册), 北京师范大学出版社2011年出版.
北师大版高中英语教材教师用书(1-11册), 北京师范大学出版社2011年出版.
2015年5月26日. 系统功能语法在翻译研究中的应用. 广东珠海市广东科学技术职业学院.
